HOx Working Group

HOx Arbeitsgruppe

At the International HOx Workshop 2015 it was decided to form a working group to guide the community through the next three years. The group is coordinated by Dwayne Heard (University of Leeds, UK) and Andreas Hofzumahaus (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany).

The group is expected to communicate regularly to make progress on three tasks.

  • Task 1- Development of a community radical calibration unit
    (Lead: Bill Brune, Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • Task 2- Development of procedures to investigate and, if necessary, eliminate possible measurement artefacts of instruments
    (Lead: Hartwig Harder, Max-Planck Institut f. Chemie, Mainz, Germany)
  • Task 3- Development of plans for future measurement intercomparisons
    (Lead: Andreas Hofzumahaus, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)

The working group is open to the community, and each interested measurement group is invited to take part. Please contact the above lead persons if you want to join the activities.

Last Modified: 29.06.2024