

Project Description

In Europe, a large proportion of the population lives in an environment that is polluted by noise or air pollutants. The Net4Cities project generates maps of air and noise pollution in real time, incorporating data from 30 measurement stations in 11 European cities at transport locations, ports, and airports. It can thus be used to raise awareness and help citizens make decisions on how to reduce their pollution levels.

Net4Cities will work with policy makers, citizens' associations and interested organisations to develop evidence-based, tailored policy solutions for effective plans to reduce air and noise pollution.

Many of the pollutants, such as ultrafine particulate matter, ammonia, or ozone precursors, are currently hardly recorded systematically and are therefore the focus of this project.

Project Partners

  • Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ); Research Institute for Sustainability, DE
  • Flemish Institute for Technological Research, BE
  • EarthSense Systems Ltd, UK
  • The Cyprus Institute, CY
  • Stiftelsen Norsk Institutt Forluftforskning (NILU), NO
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences, CH
  • University of Crete, GR
  • Tecnalia, ES
  • Airmodus Ltd, FI
  • Rear Window, BE
  • University of Bremen, DE
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, ES
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, GE
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
  • VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, DE
  • Flanders Environment Agency, BE
  • Rijnmond Environmental Protection Agency, NL
Partner cities within net4cities

Local Stakeholders

  • City of Düsseldorf, Agency for Environment and Consumer Protection
  • Airport Düsseldorf
  • State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia (LANUV)
  • City of Stuttgart

Our tasks within the project

MobiLab Measurements in Düsseldorf
  • Installation of measurements of emerging pollutants, e.g., ultrafine particles (UFP) into existing monitoring stations in the Düsseldorf area
  • Central laboratory for offline analysis for volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases
  • Mobile air quality measurement with MobiLab
  • Interaction with local partners

Project Period

January 2024 – December 2027

Funded by

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe funding programme under the call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01 – Grant Agreement No. 101138405.



Dr. Robert WegenerSenior Scientist Head of group "Energy Related Emissions"Building 05.2 / Room 3053+49 2461/61-6914
Dr. Max Gerrit AdamSenior ScientistBuilding 05.2 / Room 3011+49 2461/61-2389
Last Modified: 29.06.2024