Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded

Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded

Our application for our data literacy center: "Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy" (Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Datenkompetenz) has been approved and is now one of 11 funded data literacy centers in Germany. Starting November 15, 2023 the data literacy centers will be funded for 3 years.

Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded

The overarching goal of the call is the establishment of data competence centers in science, throughout different research fields, and at universities and research institutions in Germany. They are intended to offer researchers a wide range of support services for the development of data skills at all levels of working with data (data collection, data management, data analysis, archiving and subsequent use). The centers are supposed to serve as a point of contact for researchers for learning, researching and networking. The aim is to initiate a cultural change in the use of research data in order to strengthen the basis for the emergence of data-based innovations.

The Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R) focuses on implementing methodological data literacy in a “holistic” manner and will actively support domain scientist in their research. The focus of DKZ.2R lies on Data Science and Machine Learning (DS/ML), High Performance Cumputing (HPC) and Research Data Management (RDM). The key domains are mathematics and computer science, life and natural sciences as well as engineering sciences.

Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded

DKZ.2R consists of a number of strong project partners:

and benefits from a close connection to the Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-LEE), the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the LAMARR Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, the state initiative for research data management (fdm.nrw), and many more.

More information and a dedicated website are comming soon.

Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded
Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy has been funded
Last Modified: 18.07.2024