First IAS-9 barbecue with special guest Péter Dusán Ispánovity

To celebrate the good weather and the visit of Dr. Péter Dusán Ispánovity from Eötvös University, Department of Materials Physics, Budapest, IAS-9 enjoyed a casual barbecue on 30 May 2022.

In the early afternoon of the same day, Péter Dusán Ispánovity had given a talk about "Stochastic phenomena in micron-scale plasticity: experiments and modelling" at IAS-9. So, the barbecue on the meadow behind Technologiezentrum Aachen (TZA) was the perfect opportunity for scholarly exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.

As the event was a resounding success, the next barbecues are already being planned in July and August 2022.

First IAS-9 barbecue with special guest Péter Dusán Ispánovity
First IAS-9 barbecue with special guest Péter Dusán Ispánovity
First IAS-9 barbecue with special guest Péter Dusán Ispánovity
Last Modified: 21.06.2022