Other Activities

  • Founder of “Collective Dynamics” a public access journal available, 2016
  • Reviewer for

    • Physic journals: Physics Review Letter, Physical Review E, Journal of Statistical Physics, Physica A, European Physical Journal B
    • Transportation journals: Transportation Science, Transportation Research Board B, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportmetrica A
    • Interdisciplinary journals: PloS ONE, Journal of the Royal Society Interface
    • Others: Review of General Psychology, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds and many more.
  • Organizer of

    • Conference “Traffic and Granular Flow ‘13” in Jülich
    • Tutorials for the “8th Pedestrian and Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics” in Hefei China, October 2016
    • Workshop “Pedestrian dynamics: Pedestrian Dynamics: Modeling, Validation and Calibration” ICERM, Brown University, Providence, August 2017
    • Workshop “Physics and Psychology of Human Crowd Dynamics”, Lorentz Center, Netherlands, November 2018
  • Member of the steering committee of the conference series “Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics” and “Traffic and Granular Flow", since 2014
  • Member of standard committee DIN NABau: Fire safety engineering, since 2011
  • Head of working group “Evacuation Simulation” of the standard committee DIN NABau: Fire safety engineering, since 2014
  • Guylène Proulx Scholarship 2016, together with Paul Geoerg
Last Modified: 24.10.2022