Men Combining Work and Family

Who is the target group?

The reconciliation of work and family life also affects men, particularly if they are caring for close relatives or looking after children or grandchildren. Despite the transformation of parental and gender roles in society, measures and instruments for a better work-life balance are still used more frequently by women than by men. And yet, men – particularly fathers – would also like to have more time for their families as well as increased support in improving their work-life balance.

As a member of Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Väterarbeit in NRW, the Equal Opportunities Bureau would like to address this target group in particular.

How can a good work-life-balance be achieved?

For both men and women, time is one of the most important factors in successfully reconciling work and family life. Yet time is limited, and both work and family require significant amounts of this precious resource.In certain phases of life (e.g. looking after young children or acute caregiving situations), men could make greater use of options regulated by law or those offered by their employer to alter their working hours and their place of work. Often, slight reductions in working hours – or simply having the flexibility to vary your working hours – can save substantial amounts of time. This also applies to teleworking or ad hoc teleworking.

What services are available?


The monthly info lunches organized by the Equal Opportunities Bureau often explicitly address men. An additional info lunch solely for this target group takes place at least once a year. Other information events and discussion forums are also specifically aimed at men.

Activities for fathers and their children

The Equal Opportunities Bureau organizes events for fathers and their children at regular intervals, which combine fun leisure activities with an opportunity to strengthen family ties and network with other fathers. At these events, fathers are encouraged to take on a confident, active role in raising and looking after their children.

Advisory services

The Equal Opportunities Bureau and Social Counselling offer advisory services on all topics concerning the reconciliation of work and family life, particularly on topics of interest to men such as paternity issues or role conflicts.


Philipp Schaps

Referent für Diversity Spokesperson for diversity

  • Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC)
Building 04.7 /
Room 323
+49 2461/61-2148

Last Modified: 31.05.2022