
A new technology to fix and weld thin foils without laborious and expensive fixtures.

Ref. Nr. TA-PT 1.2655
Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics

Development Status: Proof of concept

We are continuously seeking for cooperation partners and/or Licensees in this and adjacent areas of research and application.

Potential Applications: Foil- and thin sheet- welding operations especially in 3-D geometry


The Central Institute for Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA) Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1) at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH developed a new technology to fix and weld thin foils without laborious and expensive fixtures.

The technology has been tested for welding operations at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH is looking for a cooperation to realize ideas for an extended application and further development of the fixing method.


A good welding result depends for a great part on exact and tight fixing of the parts to be welded:

  • Fixing of thin foils with clamping-claws and –bars is very difficult
  • Fixing of thin foils and thin sheets on thick parts demands special clamping device
  • Fixtures for 3-D geometry welding are very laborious and expensive


The usage of an adhesive tape for fixing the parts to be welded can be a sufficient fixture for welding operations of thin foils and pre-welding (tack-welding) of thin sheets

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Letzte Änderung: 12.03.2024